Saturday, October 8, 2016

Provided for...

Provided for - a photo blog

Yesterday my daughter asked if she and some friends could take out the Perler Beads. Normally I wouldn't have even hesitated, I would have loved that my kids were putting a dent in the craft cabinet supplies. But the Perler Beads I had designated for the craft station at our Sunday Middle School Program. I checked out the box of supplies that had been deposited on the kitchen table and realized that was a lot of Perler beads - - - - - - a LOT.  And I wanted the girls to have fun, so it was an easy yes. I figured they would play for a little bit, and that I wouldn't even notice what was gone.


They did Perler beads for 6 hours. Amazing what teens can accomplish. I didn't get a photo of what all the girls made collectively, but I did get a photo of my daughter's stash.

You get major middle school culture points if you can identify those.

But there was a little problem.

So the next morning I decided I would have to make an emergency run to JoAnns. I wasn't thrilled, because Amazon is usually cheaper, and I try to be conscientious with the craft supply budget.

My daughter told me the colors that we needed and I cringed a little inside. Black, white, blue, red, and yellow... Most Perler packages tend towards pinks, purples, bright neons. So I figured not only would I be paying more for the beads due to the store, but also more to buy those individual colors.
I'd never seen any bulk packages that contained those individual colors.

I was on a tight time schedule so I grabbed the pile of coupons (if you shop JoAnns you know) and hustled out to the store, down the aisles straight to the kids crafting section, and before I even got to the Perler beads, I saw it on a shelf.

Yep, a comic book set - with all the colors I needed + light flesh tone which also tends to run out. And that little red sticker on it - CLEARANCE. The $20 set was half off. I gleefully picked up all sets on the shelf and went to the check out happy that I didn't even need to worry about coupons.

Then at the check-out an added bonus - my educator discount kicked in giving me an additional 15% off because the items were "on clearance" instead of "on sale."  If you shop this store you know how remarkable it is to get stacking discounts (it almost never happens). 

So I went home pondering that all the little details had fallen my way. 
But I don't believe it was chance. In looking at the way the atom is constructed, the way a tree is designed  - I believe in a creator who is really good at the details. Really good. And I believe he is in control in our lives. And that's pretty comforting, because we live in a time when having enough Perler beads for a craft is not our top worry. It's not even close. 

But it was a good reminder...

This is supposed to be a photo blog so, other folks post these beautiful photos of their food and the flowers from their garden all artfully arranged - well our house doesn't work that way, but there are most definitely some interesting things around.

Yup that's the ironing board standing over the kitchen garbage with an empty yellow potato chip bag, and the theological dictionary pulled off the living room shelf to flatten the fused Perler bead creations. No, it's not something that speaks of beauty. But it says something about this wonderful quirky family that I love. 

We have teens.
And potato chips.
And an ironing board that sees more use for crafts than for clothes.
And talks about the Bible.
And friends over.
And  RPG's going on in the living room.

And I am exceedingly grateful for what God has given me. This family. These friends. The dog on the prowl for dropped potato chips and the ability to be our crazy creative geeky selves. He has provided, exactly what I have needed beyond my wildest imaginings.