Friday, May 2, 2014

What really is important.


When A Window Is A Mirror

Albert is a friend I know
Who walks a shuffling way.
And you must learn to read his face
For he hasn't much to say.

But he carries 'round inside himself
The knowledge he gives free.
If you look through, not at, his life
A whole new world inside you'll see.

When a window is a mirror,
You see two ways at one time.
You look outside and see the land,
The mountains left to climb.
But also you can see inside
Your face suspended there
Behold your face, and see your place
And understand why you are here.

Each time I gaze upon this boy
There's something moves inside
I see my own deformities
No longer need to hide

And through his life
I look upon my life a different way
this freedom that he gives for free
Means so much more than I can say


And Albert offers at no charge
The hope what life can bring
But what he freely gives us all
Has cost him nearly everything. . . .

One of our students in the special ed room passed away unexpectedly, tragically. After months of care we were all close, not family, but a reflected shade of it. And we are grieving the loss of one incredible life.

The world might not see a list of impressive accomplishments. Especially, from our room. We work with babies in middle school bodies. Ones you care for, who have no voice, who need to be kept from harming themselves and others. No list of academic prowess -- many cannot communicate with words at all.

And yet they have something sacred.

When life is pared down this far you get a new grid on what is important, you start to realize that accomplishments and abilities don't rate as high as existing and being loved.

I need to remember how important that is.

Existing, and being loved.

  • it comes before the accomplishment of to do lists, both the mundane and the life goal varieties
  • It comes in before an impressive resume or how many friends one has on social media.
  • It comes before the dream job, or any job for that matter.
  • It is ahead of life's relationships - because human love can add to the equation, but God's love outweighs them all.

And he loves these children. There are few truths that I have stumbled across in my cynical life without questioning and tearing apart, but this is one of them. I know to the core of myself that God loves these children.

So, my dear boy, know that you are teaching me still what is important, the things that are most important. I, who have fancy degrees and a vocabulary full of large impressive sounding words, am learning from you who have no words, just a beautiful smile, strong arms, and a heart of simple happiness. because you have existed and you are loved.

To Quentin, my Albert, you are missed.

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