Saturday, June 18, 2016

Just the right timing....

For the last couple summers I worked at a day camp. It was a frenetic paced, noisy, get-up, get the mini-van packed, drive-in with my teens and work hard job. I loved it. It was the type of thing I could see myself doing summer after summer, until my teens were post college and no longer needing summer jobs, until my knees were too arthritic to get down on the ground with the kids.

But those visions you have of your future don't always work out and this year my much loved summer occupation and I parted ways. I still pack the mini-van with the teens and drive them there, but now I spend my summer hours in a nearby library, utilizing their wifi to accommodate a summer ed schedule that is pretty much insane.

It has been quiet, very quiet. And it has been taking a toll. I miss the little faces and voices a lot, I miss the things kids say and do, and I miss working with others who love all the craziness of nonstop activity from morning check-in until extended care pick up.

So when a friend called to say that she had a summer family event that a face painter had backed out of this weekend I was thrilled. It was everything I had hoped it would be. There is something magical about showing a child their face with butterfly wings or dragons painted, about little boys flexing biceps with painted cobras and little girls trying to choose whether a unicorn should be white with a pink mane or purple with an aqua one. And there is a special place in my heart for the little girl who wants navy blue spider webs and the little guy who is thrilled with a line of pink and gold hearts.

There were a bunch of littles today who got their very first face paint ever, lots and lots of picture taking and happy parents. It was beautiful weather, a really neat theme with super heroes and community service officers showing off firetrucks and police cars, balloon artists and vendors. I got the chance to enjoy the messiness of face paint cakes and stencils and the smell of baby wipes and sunscreen. I got to see the smiles and hear the parent-prompted thank yous (parents you rock!), to drink in the sun and noise and happiness of children and families.

And I got to be a part of it, and it soothed my soul to hear some dear young friends calling bye to me as I packed up and headed back home.

Vestiges of the day, a little Iron Man Gold, and Wolverine Blue
It was a good reminder today, that no matter what turns and twists the road takes, that God is in it. He hasn't made hardships that are too much for us to bear. He will give respite when we need it. I needed respite today and oddly enough it came in the form of face painting and kids. But he knows what we need, and he will provide it. No matter how unique the medicine, he is the great physician.

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