Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Sokovia Accords

I was sick when my family went to see Captain America: Civil War in the theater. So I have eagerly been awaiting the Red Box release. It was not a disappointment, though I had to threaten banishment if those in my family who had seen it dropped any spoilers during the viewing.

It was a remarkable film in that I could easily see and put myself in the shoes of most of the principal characters. To be able to look at a controversy and see and understand both sides is not something that most comic book style action adventure movies tackle - there is usually a very clear good guy and a very clear bad guy. The grey murky middle ground of reality does not often make an appearance.

The truth is that every war ever fought has had good men and women on both sides. People of integrity and compassion, people with strength in their moral beliefs and actions.

But we like black and white so much. Because it's easy, like a popcorn flick and a large soda, it's enjoyable and doesn't tax our thinking. And if something doesn't impact our thinking it's probably not going to have an impact on our actions. 

I am becoming more and more convinced that we need to be able to wade out into the grey. To not only acknowledge that this exists along with the black and white stuff, but to get a grip on the idea that there may be more grey than any of the other colors.  

It has been stated so many times that fence sitters are the first to get shot down by both sides, but I wonder what we can do to provide our fence sitters extra armor? To develop a new breed that can plant an anchor in that black and white, realize both it's necessity and it's limitations so that they can navigate a very grey world.

Kudos Marvel. You made me think.

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